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[Aug. 14th, 2007|10:35 am]
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A reporter from NBC, who attempted to go undercover at a recent Defcon hacker convention, fled from the scene after being outed.

The Top Signs a Hacker Is Really an Undercover Reporter

- Brags about his leet skills managing format styles in Word.
- Gets caught raiding the AOL free CD stands.
- Can't finish more than two cans of Mountain Dew in one sitting.
- Brings his Starbucks punch-card to a Java convention.
- Claims his name is Kenneth, but doesn't know the frequency.
- "What does everyone have against Microsoft, anyway? They're pretty decent."
- When signing their name, they use a use strange combination of capitals as first letter of each name, and lower-case for all the rest.
- Introduces his overburdened friend as his webcameraman.
- "Of course I'm a hacker. You doubt my 'one thousand, three hundred and thirty seven' skillz?".

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