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turn on tune in DOPE out [Feb. 24th, 2007|08:17 pm]
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Double CD reissue of two of the greatest US underground psych albums of the '70s. Recorded by a freak who hung out with members of The Beach Boys and the Monkees (he actually wrote the song Salesman) Maitreya Kali (Craig Smith) recorded these tracks between '67-'71 in between travelling in Peru and the Far East. The result is an incredible set of songs that explore trippy '60s styled psych and bonged out hippy folk, all of which is laced with a weird, mystical vibe.

These extremely rare records developed a reputation among very, very hardcore psychedelic collectors, the kind that have records very few people have ever physically seen, let alone heard. Now the interesting, though not genius, work of Maitreya Kali can be heard on a double-CD reissue on Normal/Shadoks that pairs Apache with Inca.

California deep Psychedelic loner. Acid leads, mystical vocals, tons of effects, completely stoned feeling. Came out as 2 single albums and even more limited as a double album. Only 3 copies known. The music is outta space psychedelic with great songs and beautiful vocals. A real killer from beginning to end.
smejošais Māmiņš
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Date:February 24th, 2007 - 09:13 pm
baigi yeah
[User Picture]
Date:February 24th, 2007 - 09:48 pm
shit, trīs treki tajā albūmā ir incomplete
Date:February 25th, 2007 - 01:04 am
take 2