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20.. Dec, 2009 | 21:19
skaņas: Rīga - Release Me Now
Tsarions joprojām ir lielisks. Neskatoties uz to, ka tik ļoti un ar katru reizi, šķiet, arvien vairāk iedziļinās tieši filozofijā, ne kaut kamī citā.
"You have to understand that the mind operates for all intents and purposes as if it is the creator of what it sees, of nature, and even of thinking. But of course a little common sense tells you that it is absolutely the opposite. Nature is the creator of not only man himself, but of the mind. Inwardly and in the depths of the ego the mind understands this, and this is the reason for what is known as the universal antipathy towards nature. Nature is ontologically and metaphysically superior to mind, and mind doesn't like that." (M.T.)
"You have to understand that the mind operates for all intents and purposes as if it is the creator of what it sees, of nature, and even of thinking. But of course a little common sense tells you that it is absolutely the opposite. Nature is the creator of not only man himself, but of the mind. Inwardly and in the depths of the ego the mind understands this, and this is the reason for what is known as the universal antipathy towards nature. Nature is ontologically and metaphysically superior to mind, and mind doesn't like that." (M.T.)
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date: 20.. Dec, 2009 - 21:27
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date: 20.. Dec, 2009 - 22:03
Bet labi, es labāk nestrīdēšos ar fiziķi! ;)
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