26 May 2011 @ 03:45 am
fucking medicalisation  
the Inuit presented a view of birth as naturally safe, in contrast to clinicians who saw birth as inherently dangerous. [..] The implicit comparison is drawn between the present situation, in which health professionals claim a monopoly over obstetric knowledge and this traditional time when information about childbirth was disseminated throughout the community, passing from one generation to the next. To be without knowledge is to be at risk; to be dependent on others is to be at risk. [..]

"Inuit people do not believe that having a child, being pregnant, birthing is a disease. It's not an illness. It's a way of life, a normal function of a human being. And in the sense that it's not a disease, then they don't think that you absolutely have to be in a hospital... They [the Inuit] have delivered babies before for centuries and centuries."

Risk is not denied, but accepted as a part of the reality of northern life. The underlying philosophical concept is expressed in the following quotation:

"Can you guarantee me my life tomorrow? ... There's always risk. I mean you wouldn't live if you didn't live with risks."

[..] The question is who has the power to define risk and to insist that their view should prevail over those of others.
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briinumcepuminjsh[info]french_mime on May 26th, 2011 - 04:56 am
par dzemdībām tad vēl tā, atzīsi, ka ir taču jauki, ka ir pieejamas lietas, kas atvieglo dzemdības, samazina infekciju risku, palīdz dzīvot bēbīšiem, kas ir atnākuši par ātru etc

tas kas ir concerning, ka cilvēki paļaujas uz medicīnu un nedomā par prevention metodēm, par dabu un to, ko var izdarīt ar dabīgām metodēm. trūkst kautkāda self health, self body awareness, skaidrības par to, kas ar tevi notiek un ko pats vari darīt, lai sevi ārstētu. tā kā pia irgājās, kad es liku sadaudzītu kāpostlapu pie savas uzpampušās potītes

tā kā viņš saka uz beigām http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdXSqgcs3Wg
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briinumcepuminjsh[info]french_mime on May 26th, 2011 - 05:00 am
ai nē, tur pa vidu. man šķiet, ka tur kur viņš saka par tiem 'drīz nāks laiki', viņš referē tieši uz to transition, par ko ezotēriskie cilvēki runa. pasaules valdniekam ir bijusi near death experience.
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