17 Aprīlis 2009 @ 18:16
Nostaļģija 15. brigādē  

Bīp Bīp. heh. Bīp .. Sipowicz. Too bad it's all gonna end after i will watch Dead and Gone. But maybe not. so, how it's gonna be? Murgoju. kāds tur brīnums, ap šito laiku manām smadzenēm jau sen vajadzēja būt atslēgtām. Bet neslēdzās laukā, kaut ko baigi cītīgi pārstrādā un datē.

Dokumentēsim atmiņām:

Sipowicz: "How come with you Cohen, it comes out like the principal doing us a favor?"
Cohen: "Because the school's the Constitution, Sipowicz, and you're the class dunce."

Martinez: "Andy's missing a glove."
Medavoy: "Yeah, that accounts for his piss-poor attitude, right?"
Martinez: "That, and he don't like most people."

Sipowicz: "I'm gonna have such a migraine tonight because I didn't beat you."

Sipowicz playing loony: "Hello. Do you know the difference between animal meat and man meat?"

Andy S.: "This is a good job for people like us. We don't have a lot of education, but we can read and write, and we're honest. Don't ever embarrass this job."
Andy Jr.: "I won't."
Andy S.: "I know you won't.


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