heaven knows i'm miserable now - Today I made some new friends..

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Oktobris 15., 2007

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19:42 - Today I made some new friends..

As you can see the one on the left is called Morbid. I guess I don't have to tell you anything about him, because all you have to know for now is written there next to him. That young, handsome lad in the middle also is Morbid just when he was younger. He hasn't changed much except that now he has glasses. Oh, and yes - I'm horrible at drawing paper hats.. :/ The one at the top right corner is just some unidentified, old man with deformed scull. Or maybe it's Morbid just without glasses. Why..? He fell. Aaaand the one with the beret is Pale. He was a bit shy today so I couldn't get to know him that well. So yes, here they are - Morbid and Pale.
And I really hope this is NOT the last time you see them.

I am just one big nonsense today.
Garastāvoklis:: happy in a morbidly pale way
Mūzika: The Smiths

(2 kg | put the weights into my little heart)


[User Picture]
Date:16. Oktobris 2007 - 21:41
:D forši!
[User Picture]
Date:16. Oktobris 2007 - 22:52
Mārcis teica, ka es zīmēju saldējumus.. :D

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