per silentium ad as†ra mille - We're all a bit gay now vai Ko Mielavs neizstaastiija Poligraafikjos [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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We're all a bit gay now vai Ko Mielavs neizstaastiija Poligraafikjos [Jan. 7th, 2005|12:15 am]
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[Current Music |Hot Chocolate - It Started With A Kiss]

OMD - Enola Gay

It’s 8:15, and that’s the time that it’s always been
We got your message on the radio,
conditions normal and you’re coming home

Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, it’s never ever gonna fade away

President Truman gave his approval to use Little Boy against the Japanese in the afternoon of August 5, 1945. It was late in the evening of this day Col. Tibbets decided to name his plane Enola Gay after his mother.

par pulkvezhleitnanta Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr.'a mammu?
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