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12:24 pm: Dažas e-grāmatas
Literatūrteorija (or smth - hvz, vēl neesmu tās lasījis, bet bija literatūrteorijas sadaļā attiecīgajā portālā):
American Theorists of the Novel (Amazones links)
Peter Stockwell - Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction (Amazones links)
J.M.Cocking - Imagination: A Study in the History of Ideas (Amazones links)
Hillis Miller - On Literature (Thinking in Action) (Amazones links)
Essays on Witers and Writing

Aldous Huxley - The Doors Of Perception (Amazones links)
Peter Furst - Hallucinogens And Culture (Amazones links)
Stanislav Grof - LSD Psychotherapy (Amazones links)

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