18 Jūlijs 2015 @ 23:02
180 degrees south  
Yvon Chouinard: Taking a trip for six months to get in the rhythm of it. It feels like you can go on forever doing that. Climbing Everest is the ultimate and the opposite of that. Because you get these high powered plastic surgeons and CEO's, they pay $80,000 and have sherpas put the ladders in place and 8000 feet of fixed ropes and you get to the camp and you don't even have to lay out your sleeping bag. It's already laid out with a chocolate mint on the top. The whole purpose of planning something like Everest is to effect some sort of spiritual and physical gain and if you compromise the process, you're an asshole when you start out and you're an asshole when you get back.

Tā kā man ir ieslēdzies vacation mode noskaņojos gara brīvībai, atgūstu enerģiju, mēģināšu saplūst ar darbu un galu galā seek adventures. Tāpēc arī tipiskas filmas..Kā gribētos kādreiz tā izlīst no savas komforta zonas.
Iesāku ar masāžu ''atradām Tev punktu no kura arī centāmies dabūt visu laukā. Liekas viss, kas nu dzīvē ir sagāzies tajā vienā punktā. Atgūt/iepludināt enerģiju , citādi Tevis nav, kaut kur pazudusi plašumā..''