kanariņš - studenti protestē (visādi) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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studenti protestē (visādi) [Mar. 1st, 2010|11:43 am]
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UCI Sit-in turns into Lockdown
Irvine, CA – Beginning at 9:30am Feb. 24, around 20 students at UC Irvine are holding a sit-in at the UCI administration building, Aldrich Hall, regarding budget cuts.[...]

Six students were arrested on Hosei University!‏
Dear fighting friends all over the world, On February 5, our 6 fellows (They’re the students of Zengakuren) were arrested during handing out flyers to examinees in front of the main gate of Hosei University! To achieve the release of 6 students as soon as possible, please send a storm of protest emails to the Hosei University International Center ic@hosei.ac.jp
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