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[23. Jan 2010|18:28]
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pēdējā laikā krāpjos. uzrakstu sevi un tad paskatos pulkstenī. un gaidu pareizās minūtes. nevis 18.16, bet 18.18. un tas - tas aug aug aug aug. it kā 18.16 nav gana labs mirklis mūžībā. nekas nekad nav gana labs. can u heal me, life, please, heal me. and forgive screaming and bleeding. and cursing. and distrust. or forgive nothing, not like u should love or care or forgive or understand. how u deal with urself, life? how do u manage? life, u r rather amazing, u know. u are. u really are. like - all alone there. but then again. what do i know about u? life, would u like to be friends? like with me. we could walk. or do nothing. sure. u should love doing nothing!!! just being. but then again. life, what would u like to?