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Vakarvakara prieks

Vakarvakara prieks

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acjospe: For me, I can't get the time off from work/school. I also can't really afford it, because other European trips (like Ski WOC in Kazakhstan!) take priority.

ColmM: Kazakhstan is not in Europe.

Cristina: I think the logic is "If I cross the Atlantic I'm going to Europe. If I cross the Pacific I'm going to Asia."

acjospe: yup. totally depends what direction I start out in.

ndobbs: So I get to choose whether Singapore is in Asia or Europe?

Cristina: Yes.

jjcote: Although it's different for Neil, because his starting place is in Europe. He gets to choose between Asia and America.

Tundra/Desert: Kazakhstan is not in Europe

feet: But India is definitely in Europe.

ndobbs: At least, assuming you are coming from Australia.

feet: Or the US.

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