I don't really mind being here with my mind - Pēcdarbs [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Pēcdarbs [May. 23rd, 2012|11:05 pm]
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[Sajūtas | chipper]
[Skaņas |Florence + the Machine - No Light]

G: Ir sasodīti auksts!
K: Nav gan. Beidz salt.
G: Vējš atņem man visas siltuma molekulas.
K: Nu Geeeeeer
G: Tu esi tāds ozons!
K: *facepalm* -_-
G: Bwahaaha, you got nothing to counter my random mind?
K: *sigh*

Either my randomness is unbelievably epic or unbelievably lame. Haven't decided yet.
NO LIGHT NO LIGHT!!! I'm meltiiiing!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA *dance*
LinkIt's dark in here