Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - mjūzik fīver jeb liriskie liriki [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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mjūzik fīver jeb liriskie liriki [Oct. 9th, 2009|01:20 am]
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[Current Mood |gūd]
[Current Music |blue october - tomorrow]

[pārmaiņas pēc nekropļošu, jo tāpat jau gana tuvu maniem murgiem..]

I’m gonna find a way to die
I’m living only for a lover
And the death of you and I
But if you find a way to break my back
With needles, thread, and guilt
Will you cover me in kerosene
And burn my strychnine quilt
Yeah, will you spit upon the path I took
Will you cry from all the drugs I took
Will be my little come down hook
And I’ll never ask again
Will I wake up feeling half of you
Has been striped or torn in two
To kill a young man’s point of view
Is to kill his only friend..

'Tomorrow' by Blue October

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