Zuzannas domas - OVERBURDENED [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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OVERBURDENED [5. Aug 2008|23:05]
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[Klausos |Peter Nalitch - Overburneded]

you hold your friends within your heart your heart`s overburdened
you hold your friends within your heart like stones in bag
i hope i`ll join them someday so please, throw them away to the pond
i`m singing singing, your stones`re sinking sinking
i`m singing singing -- la la pta lapta ptaley

i walk down the lane whistling my heart`s overburdened
i`m one of the luckiest men in the world, i`m stone in your bag
after all these years of liking my heart`s overburdened too
i`m singing singing, your stones`re sinking sinking
i`m singing singing -- la la pta lapta ptalalalalalalala
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened


my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart`s overburdened
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