15 Jūnijs 2009 @ 02:10
Saraušana gabalu gabaliņos [Severance]  

Gaļīga filma, biš ar labu humora devu. Tieši tā, kā vajadzīgs.

Richard: There are no bears in Hungary. Unless we've crossed the border into Romania, in which case there ARE bears. If we're in Serbia, then... I don't know.
Harris: That's really interesting, Richard. Tell me something: are bears required to stop at borders? Is there some sort of, I don't know, passport control for bears?

Harris: [after Steve finds a tooth in the pie] Bit young to be losing your teeth, Steve.
Steve: It's not my tooth.
Richard: What?
Jill: Could it be the cow's tooth?
Steve: A cow with gold fillings?

[the group is at breakfast the day after Steve ate the hallucinogenic mushrooms]
Maggie: Are you still tripping?
Steve: No, no. Why are you naked?

Gordon: [after he's lost half his leg and been in a bus crash] I think I've broken my arm

Steve: Shit, I've left Gordon's foot on the coach... sorry mate.

Best line pašas beigas, kur četrīši airējās uz krastu, piebilstu, ka airējas divas pusplikas dāmas, trešā dāma tur klēpī čaļa galvu un čalis piebilst : Foursome? 

:D :D :D