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Pagātne un Tagadne un Nākotne [Nov. 7th, 2012|03:13 pm]
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Sadodas rokās un kļūst par manām draudzenēm. Ak, jūs, gaisīgās, plūstošās! Stāstiet man savas pasakas, es tajās spoguļojos, spoguļoju citus, un kasu mūžību aiz auss!

The arrival of children at a new kibbutz inevitably posed an ethical dilemma. If everything was held in common, then who was in charge of the children? This question was answered by regarding the children as belonging to all, even to the point of kibbutz mothers breastfeeding babies who were not their own.[citation needed] For most kibbutzim, the arrival of children was a sobering experience: "When we saw our first children in the playpen, hitting one another, or grabbing toys just for themselves, we were overcome with anxiety. What did it mean that even an education in communal life couldn't uproot these egotistical tendencies? The utopia of our initial social conception was slowly, slowly destroyed."[18]

Tas bija sākumā, ap to pašu laiku, kad roaring twenties in US of A. Pavisam īsi pirms tam, kad kara nabadzināti, cilvēki Eiropā staigāja nošķiebtās kurpēs un ēda kartupeļu mizas. Pavisam īsi, bet arī pietiekami, lai izaugtu jauni pieaugušie. Laiks saraujas, un domu gājumi iegūst notikumu attīstības rūdījumu.
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