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[Feb. 10th, 2017|09:40 am]
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Above all else, those who govern seek to control what the masses accept as true, and there is nothing that they will not do in order to achieve this since it is the sole source of their power. The belief that those who govern would not brazenly manipulate knowledge simply for their own benefit is the single most important belief that supports their continued reign. This belief always leads to confusion, despair, and relentless cynicism from within the ranks of those who are controlled. Once this belief is abandoned, free will returns absolutely, and great change is inevitable.
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[User Picture]
Date:February 10th, 2014 - 11:58 am
zem šī es parakstos ar abām rokām.
no kurienes tas ir? [piedod, protams, es māku izmantot gogoļtanti, bet man incē, kur/kā Tu pats pie šī nonāci]
[User Picture]
Date:February 10th, 2014 - 04:55 pm
No Courtney Brown facebook lapas. Tas ir dzheks (nevis dzhekene), kas nodarbojas ar naakotnes paredzeeshanu un ka tipa februaarii buus kaut kaads pazinjojums, ko daudzi saakumaa neuztvers nopietni, bet kas izmainīs pasauli, bet liidz tam nezinaamajam februaara datumam vinjsh ik peec paaris dienaam publicee domu graudus, kas saistiiti ar gaidaamo pazinjojumu, un viens no tiem ir shis!