x-ƒ (x_f)

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otrdien, 11.05.2004 @2:33 pm | x-ƒ

Kaut kad ziemā, kad Ciba tika atjaunota un parādījās S2 stilu sistēma, kāds [info]watt'am ieminējās, ka viņam liekoties, ka S2 darbojas ātrāk par S1. Watt viņam nepiekrita.
Tomēr teorētiski darbojas ātrāk gan.

Internally, S2 code is compiled into a lower level language and run directly when the page is loaded. Unlike S1, no parsing is necessary at run time. Also, S2 outputs directly to the client instead of being entirely buffered in memory first like S1, since S2 doesn’t need to do tons of templating replacements at the end.
Trusted code by default prints direct to the client without going through the HTML cleaner. Untrusted, user-created layers send all their output through an HTML cleaner which removes JavaScript and other potentially harmful markup.
Popular S2 code & data is cached by the webserver.