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encyclopaedia galactica on world's endangered langues and paroles [May. 3rd, 2011|03:31 pm]
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Vote [in Russian vodskij jazyk, in Estonian vadja keel, in Finnish vatja] (variants such as ‘Votic’ better avoided) [12] Northern Europe: northwestern Russia. Spoken in a few inland villages south of the Gulf of Finland in Kingisepp County in the west of St Petersburg (Leningrad) Province in the Russian Federation. There are probably less than twenty-five speakers left now, concentrated in the villages of Krakol’e (Jo˜go˜pera¨) and Peski-Luzhitsy (Liivtsˇu¨ la¨-Luuditsa), until recently also in Kotly (Kattila) and Mezhniki (Rajo). All of them are elderly, and prefer Russian in daily communication. The above mentioned villages belong to the area of the Western dialect; the last speakers of Eastern Vote, in Icipino (Itsˇa¨pa¨iva¨), died probably in the 1960s, and those of the distinct, Ingrian-influenced dialect of Kurovitsy (Kukkusi) in the 1980s. All modern idiolects are heavily influenced by Ingrian, Finnish and Russian. Nearly extinct.

– An outlying dialect known as Krevin, originally spoken by prisoners captured in the fifteenth century, survived in the territory of present-day Latvia until the early nineteenth century.

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