Decembris 5., 2005
 | 09:21
tol·er·ance n. 1.The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others. 2. a. Leeway for variation from a standard. b. The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent. 3. The capacity to endure hardship or pain. 4. Medicine. a. Physiological resistance to a poison. b. The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use. 5. a. Acceptance of a tissue graft or transplant without immunological rejection. b. Unresponsiveness to an antigen that normally produces an immunological reaction. 6. The ability of an organism to resist or survive infection by a parasitic or pathogenic organism.
Nav brīnums, ka es saviebjos katru reizi, kad man piedēvē "toleranci".
Man patiik mediciiniskais skaidrojums :P
nu bet vai tad tā beigu daļa neizsaka būtību ;o)
starp citu - tu esi sanjeemusi manu meilu, ko tev pirms jau kaada laika rakstiiju (par lugu)? |
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