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[Mar. 8th, 2015|04:00 am]
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Beznosaciijumu miilestiiba ir bez kraasas un smarzhas. Jo mazaak par vinju runaa, jo labaak. Nekaadi zelta un rozaa stari un sirsninjas. Un rozaa poniji. Nee, nee.
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[User Picture]
Date:March 8th, 2012 - 04:03 am
tipiska pretruna
[User Picture]
Date:March 8th, 2012 - 09:22 am
Jo es nesaprotu, ko īsti cilvēki domā, kad saka 'beznosacījuma'. Vai tas nav viens no tiem vārdiem, ko lieto pa labi, pa kreisi, kā pagadās un fikcijā? Man liekas, nosacījumam, ka vienam no mīlētājiem jābūt dzīvam, tomēr jābūt spēkā vienmēr.
[User Picture]
Date:March 8th, 2012 - 01:06 pm
Lol. :) Tur nav nekaadu miileetaaju, tas var buut pret cilveeku vai dziivnieku, vai zemeslodi. Taa ir sajuuta dzilji sirdii, ljoti mieriiga, varbuut, ka Drunvalo meditaacija uz sirdi man to ir pateikusi priekshaa.
[User Picture]
Date:March 8th, 2012 - 09:21 am


Nespīd. Par beznosacījuma mīlestību ir pat vikipēdijas šķirklis:

This article needs to be deleted

This article contains grammatical and spelling errors, and doesn't even begin to cite what exactly love is, much less what unconditional love is. It's simply another one of those Platonic Theory of Forms ideas that doesn't actually exist, but can (sometimes) be used to describe an unattainable goal. However, mostly it is used as a crutch by those who have had to deal with abandonment. Abandonment is a fact of life. If you or someone else is not participating constructively in herd behavior, you either leave or are kicked out. It's that simple. It's not love, it's herd behavior. Go watch some documentaries on wolves.

[User Picture]
Date:March 8th, 2012 - 01:22 pm

Re: :(

This universe would have been created by a fallen god, Yahweh, and it would be a faulty and corrupt universe. The DNA of Yahweh would be characterized by a thirst for absolute domination spread for all the races he created. Other spiritual beings tried to enter this universe to help, but they were turned by Yahweh into robots without free will. They are called the angels. Then there was the rebellion of Lucifer and some of these robots-angels of the Lord tried to make a universal revolution. So, was created in Earth, with the intervention by an Annunaki (rebellion faction?) race, the Homo Sapiens, with only 3% of active DNA of Yahweh, the only way found to allow awareness (97% free space) to develop, free from the robotization of Yahweh´s DNA, and spiritually evolve. Yahweh did not wanted it and was against this project and tried to create difficulties for the Homo Sapiens (like the Great flood). So, Jesus came to earth to try to calm things, trying to respect the Lord Yahweh but, at the same time, teach us and HIM (Yahweh) the law of love. But Yahweh demanded that Jesus would be killed because he wanted him to come here as a dominant leader. Jesus did not accepted that and humbly accepted his sacrifice to prove his love. But, apparently, Yahweh was now beginning to understand that, both the rebellion, and the sacrifice of Jesus, was necessary to heal this universe and, without that, Yahweh will never come back to the higher spiritual plane.