Mother Latvia vai 'nother Latvia, sans somic, times new roman |
[Feb. 10th, 2011|01:42 pm] |
gogļojot kādu tekstu (ko neatradu), uzdoooros interesantām ceļojuma atmiņām par jaunatsvabināto respubliku, kādas meitenes 1992. gada bloga, kad Mielavs atbalstīja domu par kopīgu tūri pa Latviju.
ja slinkums to visu lasīt, te tik daži kumāsiņi:
Though I am emphatically opposed to cultural prejudices, in Latvia, it remained very clear that there were those who considered themselves above others. It was this lingering sense of superiority that offended me. And I suppose this attitude was not the fault of the individuals but the soviet system that fed their minds. They believed they were better. I don't blame them. But it made me angry.
Latvia had recently become a free country after more than 50 years of forced soviet occupation. Instead of the anticipated crowds dancing in the streets, many people were withdrawn, terse, isolated. Wounded deeply. I compare it to a 50 year rape. Which demands a long, slow, painful healing. To regain the self-esteem. This was three years ago. Hopefully, the healing has continued. I'm no expert. But this is what I saw and felt.
7/22/92 A week now since I left. Still unclear as to why I'm here. Not sure what the mood is. People are not open. Not quite unfriendly, but certainly reserved. Unsure of themselves. Unsure of their direction. Life is hard, but perhaps not as hard as they think. Have to stand in short lines a lot. Lots of waiting, but it's no different than in American cities. A certain innocence. A lot of promise. It's like they're reaching for their potential elsewhere when all they really have to do is look within. Latvia could become a "rich" country. They just have to take pride in themselves and establish their own standards. That's what I think.
Riga is a beautiful city. The pride of Latvians shows here. Buildings renovated feel so . . . noble and warm. Radio station in a grandiose structure. Same with Xerox company. Oh -- business will flourish here. Latvians will become capitalists of the first degree. But then -- what of the schism that would occur between the urban rich and the rural poor? Just like the rest of the world. And what of the urban poor?
Flowers. Incredible flowers. Everywhere. People here pacify their emptiness with the simple, delicate beauty of flowers. _____
nesen iz pandōras lādītes ar ķelta roku izņēmu arī vienu Ainara rakstītu vēstuli man uz āmriju 88-tajā. un, lasot drauga rokas vilcienus, es nevaru nedomāt par visiem pulkvežiem, kam sen neviens neraksta. par mums, kam draugi un draudzenes vairs nesūta domas un izjūtas uz papīra. ir tūkstošiem fontu, bet trūkst rokrakstu. daudz veidlapu, maz dzīvesveidu. feisbukā seju nepaslēpsi, asaraino.
bet jaunnedēļ es skriešu basām kājām pa jūras krastu. pēc pirts. |
Comments: |
From: | jeeka |
Date: | February 12th, 2011 - 10:02 am |
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foršs lasāmais apcerīgam sestdienas rītam
![[User Picture]]( | From: | dooora |
Date: | February 12th, 2011 - 11:00 am |
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pēc 24 stundām ščēŗšōšū dzimtenes gaisa robežu atmosfairas aukstākajos slāņos. trippī šit. drīz jāsāk gatavoties, ziemassvētku dāvaniņas meklēt. tuvāko 2 nedēļu laikā sasitīs pieres kādā kultūras namā vai pagrabā, ja?
From: | jeeka |
Date: | February 12th, 2011 - 01:04 pm |
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oooo! jes!
From: | jeeka |
Date: | February 12th, 2011 - 01:11 pm |
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euu nu tas ir brīnišķīgi!! sazinās tad caur cibu un skapi | |