December 8th, 2007

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01:11 am - Part 2: Analysis
And he wants her just because she looks like someone he once loved. So long ago that some would say it does not count as something. A love so strong it cannot be forgotten through centuries of time. But she is not the same person. She only looks like her. This girl would never love him like the real "she" did. Impossible is what he wants and he knows it for sure. Still - he cannot resist. A feeling too strong overcomes him and he has no other choice than to succumb. Both these feelings cause excruciating pain that becomes allmost physical. A mist over the fragile logics of the mind. He knows, but he cannot thwart this urge. Nor can she because she has not yet understood the darkness of his past. Oh, time, the ruler of our everything. Powerful magnetic forces will not let them fade. Until she becomes the difference between herself and his beloved.

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Date:December 8th, 2007 - 10:22 pm
6 letters - indeed.
Mental Asphyxia - Part 2: Analysis

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