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Izplatu muļķības - Highlights of the day.
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Highlights of the day.

1. I can't watch it anymore. All that Chuck-related-stuff is getting under my skin. Today it was near-tears. I'm sure it won't be long before I'm trying to stay afloat.

2. Some men are islands. Maybe they choose to be. [Maybe not, but objectively I would have to say they do.] Maybe this is the reason for the first point.

3. I'm in front rows of a one man show and it doesn't seem to have a close [or happy] ending. It's just a matter of time before I have a mental breakdown of my own or I start spending most of my time in woods.

[At least when I had problems, I didn't eat everything I got my hands on one day and yell I didn't eat anything another. And I admitted I needed help. Not now though.]


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Current Mood: skumīgs/alone
Current Music: ziņas, famīlijs otrā istabā

sofia From: [info]sofia Date: October 18th, 2011 - 11:38 pm (Link)

klasika vs. domas

gribas komentēt trešo, bet komentēšu otro - klasiski ar quote:

'There are distinct differences between male and female brain. Female brains have a larger hippocampus which usually makes them better at the tension and memory. Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex which helps when fending off an attack. Male brains confront challenges differently then female brains. Women are hard wired to communicate with language, detail, empathy. Men? Not so much. It doesn’t mean we’re any less capable of emotion. We can talk about our feelings, it’s just that, most of the time, we really rather not.'
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Name: madara
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