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G.G. and all her friends.

Sasodīts, sasodīts un sasodīts^2. Those series will ruin if not my life tad daļu no tās noteikti. Tā vietā lai saliktu punktiņus un svītriņas uz zināmiem burtiem pirms nodarbībām, es skatos 40 minūšu garas muļķības, kas beidzas vēl muļķīgāk nekā norisinās. Un vēl 15 minūtes pēc tam cepos par to visu!

Ir jauni gulēšanas plāni. Rīt no rīta centīšos sākt eksperimentu. The key word being 'centīšos'.

Mans telefons atsakās ar mani draudzēties. Zini, neesi ne pirmais, ne noteikti arī pēdējais.

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Current Mood: [uz][vil][ka][[ci]e[s]]
Current Music: tv

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Highlights of the day.

1. I can't watch it anymore. All that Chuck-related-stuff is getting under my skin. Today it was near-tears. I'm sure it won't be long before I'm trying to stay afloat.

2. Some men are islands. Maybe they choose to be. [Maybe not, but objectively I would have to say they do.] Maybe this is the reason for the first point.

3. I'm in front rows of a one man show and it doesn't seem to have a close [or happy] ending. It's just a matter of time before I have a mental breakdown of my own or I start spending most of my time in woods.

[At least when I had problems, I didn't eat everything I got my hands on one day and yell I didn't eat anything another. And I admitted I needed help. Not now though.]


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Current Mood: skumīgs/alone
Current Music: ziņas, famīlijs otrā istabā

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You can call me whatever you want but..
.. I'm a total sucker when it comes to Chuck. Especially after these new episodes. And there is nothing I can do about it. Except feeling So Sorry for him and not [not seriously] wanting to watch further.

[+ He now has a dog he named Monkey. How freakin' adorable is that? Chuck.. and a Dog.]

Current Mood: jumpy
Current Music: smth on TV

Name: madara
Back December 2013
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