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[1. Aug 2005|12:07]
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[skaņas avarējot |smagnējs]

Es zināju, ka man nepatīk. Un arī nepatiks. Arī ja viens pats neesi ceļa gājējs, tad nerauj otru aiz rokas atpakaļ.

Šodien totiesiņ apstaigātas apmēram 150 mašīnas. Un neko, neko jaunu neieraudzīju.
Tā viš i, tā tā dzīve paiet.
Linkierakstīties līkumā

[User Picture]
Date:1. Augusts 2005 - 13:01
ceru, ka pirmā rindkopa neattiecas uz šo rītu
[User Picture]
Date:1. Augusts 2005 - 13:15


Tas attiecas uz ko pavisam citu...

Oh my name is jock stewart
I’m a canny gun man
And a roving young fellow I’ve been
So be easy and free
When you’re drinking with me
I’m a man you don’t meet every day

I have acres of land
I have men at command
I have always a shilling to spare
So be easy and free
When you’re drinking with me
I’m a man you don’t meet every day

So come fill up your glasses
Of brandy and wine
Whatever it costs I will pay
So be easy and free
When you’re drinking with me
I’m a man you don’t meet every day

Well I took out my dog
And him I did shoot
All down in the county kildare
So be easy and free
When you’re drinking with me
I’m a man you don’t meet every day
[User Picture]
Date:1. Augusts 2005 - 13:24

Re: Neattiecas.

labi, nomierināji un
ņemšu vērā :) it sevišķi šito

So come fill up your glasses
Of brandy and wine
Whatever it costs I will pay


un vispār pēc vienpadsmitā kakao ar balzāmu vai vīnu mazliet
[User Picture]
Date:1. Augusts 2005 - 14:06

Re: Neattiecas.
