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[Jun. 30th, 2007|08:45 am]
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The Top Signs Your Pet Is Addicted to the Internet

- Your "cookies" folder is almost empty, but there are countless files in "treats."
- There are a lot more tongue marks on the monitor than the ones *you've* left.
- The desktop wallpaper is now a close-up of Paris Hilton. Specifically, her right leg.
- Well, *somebody* has been using your computer to visit
- The computer's motherboard just whelped a litter.
- Rover refuses to catch anything but AOL installation CDs.
- No matter how often you update your Netflix queue, they always send you another batch of Lassie episodes.
- The canary will only fly in wi-fi enabled airspace.
- "Hello, Mr. Fluffy. I am writing to you in the confidential strictness to ask you assistance in gratefully retrieving my families estate in Nigeria."
- Your female iguana's eyes are always bloodshot and your browser history shows thousands of visits to GEICO.
vYour goldfish IMs you to change the damn tank filter.
- He keeps looking in the mirror and squawking "L33ty Bird!" "L33ty Bird!"

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