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13:27: "Separātistu valdība"
Because there is no way the regime in South Ossetia can be in any sense called "separatist." Who there is a separatist? The head of the local KGB, Anatoly Baranov, used to head the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the Russian Republic of Mordovia. The head of the South Ossetian Interior Ministry, Mikhail Mindzayev, served in the Interior Ministry of Russia's North Ossetia. The South Ossetian "defense minister," Vasily Lunev, used to be military commissar in Perm Oblast, and the secretary of South Ossetia's Security Council, Anatoly Barankevich, is a former deputy military commissar of Stavropol Krai. So who exactly is a separatist in this government? South Ossetian "prime minister" Yury Morozov?
Pilnais teksts šeit Raksta autoram var piekrist/nepiekrist bet "valdības" sastāvs atgādina čekistu grillpartiju kalnu kūrortā. Tas nenozīmē, ka neeksistē problēmas gruzīnu-osetīnu starpā, bet neliekas ticami, ka augšminētā kompānija ir ieinteresēta tās risināt.


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Date:10. Augusts 2008 - 15:42

Par "separātistiem"

[User Picture]
Date:10. Augusts 2008 - 16:47

Re: Par "separātistiem"

Tas pats jau vien ir, tikai man ir links uz versiju angļu valodā.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Augusts 2008 - 16:54

Re: Par "separātistiem"

Es jau par to pašu :)
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