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[Jan. 5th, 2022|09:48 pm]
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mazliet tulkoju kaut ko no LV anglju valodaa:

Piano Barrister: Tell me why I can’t do it!
[And now arms rested in a mirror of the repose of the policeman, who has left over right in proprietorial stance - helps him to suffocate his movements - as opposed to the now freer barrister-like repose of the head piano barrister] But why don’t you come to my home and look at the bed where I put her?
[Pause - for the next wave to roll in]
Ah - why then when I’m sleeping with my wife, why don’t you tell me if I can roger her or not?"

Policeman: with implacable pose “Sir, it is very pleasant to entertain yourself when under the influence”

“Very nice, but - [and the point will now be made - you can tell as he conjures the next words from the charge of chaos and intense focus of intent around the OBJECT upon which they share the weight of their elbows] but that is not the essential thing here!”


PB: Excuse me, some blondes are expecting this piano over there.

Man in Crowd [inexpert key basher]: You can’t reproach him - he’s also doing his job.


Woman in Crowd: They are celebrating a birthday.

PB: They can’t manifest accordingly [descent into occulted sounds] because they are afraid. And imagine if they drive into their ‘region’ and they are puked on.

Man in Crowd: They will be hewn off without ceremony.


Man in Chorus [2]: What are the others doing? Those who’ve been let go. As of tomorrow, those who are being sacked? From tomorrow they are being laid off. No more than that - just that. We also have kids, we also have families. People want to eat!

PB: Young man! [to the copper] Imagine if we were VDK - like the KGB, you would all be in Siberia or in the cellar. And if we regain power, you’ll be on your arse [screwed]. Excuse me.”

Man in Crowd: Not all of them

PB: [Conjuring ['con' = 'with' + 'jure' = swear] some emotional force behind his now free arm stabbing the space over the OBJECT] But it is the truth! You’re carrying out your …, but you are not the state of Latvia. We offered a colleague of yours a Latvian flag. Do you want me to be honest with you? He didn’t take it. And now tell me. You have taken an oath - fuck only knows to what state. Latvia! Why don’t you take the Latvian flag in your hand? If you are the state of Latvia.

PB 2: Look he’s got something like a flag on his shoulder.

PB: Well no, well that on his shoulder. He doesn’t have a surname anymore. He’s really lost everything in this life. [Something is happening in the background]


Crowd: Power belongs to the people! Power belongs to the people!

PB: Young people, what are you yelling for? He is not a representative of the state.

MinC: But he is also a human being!

PB: No, he isn’t.

MinC: He is!

PB: Isn’t! [curt - judgement has been passed]

MinC: He is, is, is, he is a human being!

PB: I will tell you one good thing. About the Soviet army.

[only he didn't - they moved forward - oaths were uttered - some fellow's heart gave out and implacable poses became placable - a women said Hi to the bored riot police taking over with professional lack of enthusiasm and more appeals were sent up in the smoke and steam of the freezing air.]
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[User Picture]
Date:January 9th, 2022 - 07:05 pm
Tajā rakstā par futbolistu nav nekas ne par Covid-19, ne par vakcinām. Wtf, mate? Pasaulē ir miljoniem sportistu un kāds no sirdstriekas mirst katru dienu, tikai ne visi ir superstāri.
[User Picture]
Date:January 9th, 2022 - 07:06 pm
Turklāt šis pat nav nomiris, bet tikai izsaukti ātrie. Varbūt ir citi raksti, kur ir konkrētāki insinuations, bet tad vajag tādu arī linkot
[User Picture]
Date:January 10th, 2022 - 11:15 am
Viens jautaajums ir vai shi paradiba notiek biezhaak peec vakcines? Es varu pateikt, ka - cik es atceros 2020 bija 3 speeleetaaji, kas nomiraa laukumaa. Mums ir 5 kopsh Dec 17.

Turklaat, es neatceros, ka tik daudz speletaaju ir nokriitushi uz laukuma no probleema ar sirdi (nenomirot). Es neskatos tik daudz futbolu, bet pats esmu redzeejis divus gadiijumus (live). Tas notiek tik biezhi tagad, ka cilveeki, kuri ir bijushi futbolaa visaa savaa dziivee ir saakushi par to runaat (Matt Le Tissier, Trevor Sinclair utt).

Ir jkaabuut iespeejams atbildeet uz jautaajumu par to, vai ir atskiriba starp tiem, kuri ir sanjemushi vakcinu, un tie, kuri nav. Liidz shim ir bijis kluusums (ja vien sppeleetajs nebija vakcineets - tad taa informaacija tiek sniegta).