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Apr. 10., 2010 | 10:42 pm

talk of our famous humanity: I fell a couple of weeks ago in the street, which was weather-slippery, and the by-passing man didn't even as much as take notice or stop, let alone offered help. and he was just strolling, had absolutely nowhere to go. as human beings, yes, we are utterly destroyed by the last 70 years of our history.

and yet, and yet, when my bycicle's ķēde - a dirty job to fix it - fell last time, a Latvian man easily volunteered help and got his hands real dirty and set my dear old thing workable again, and didn't think it worth mentioning.

but in general we are sick to death, that's true.

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Comments {1}



from: [info]brookings
date: Apr. 14., 2010 - 10:09 am

In general, we shouldn't generalise I suppose. I mean the reason I only see people in need of help could be because the other 99% have been helped.

But... WE ALL KNow THAT'S BULLSHIT (so screams my aizspriedumi/pieredze - or experience divided by prejudice - maybe multiplied)

My stepson said that although Latvians don't often help, they also don't ask for help. So at leat we, he asserted, still have some kauns.
