Aprīlis 19., 2006

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"Getting started can be the hardest part of making healthy changes. But just making a start on the things you want to do can help get things in motion. So just take five minutes and do one of the things you want to work on, whether its exercising, eating raw food, drinking water, studying, working, creating, organizing, cleaning, positive thinking, meditating/praying or something else on your list. In fact, do five minutes of each one of the habits you want to develop and you may find that you will make the time to continue them all!"

To your health,

(2 jau domāja labu | ir laba doma)


[User Picture]
Date:19. Aprīlis 2006 - 11:19
Nu, cerams, ka izosies. Šodien pirmā diena.
[User Picture]
Date:19. Aprīlis 2006 - 13:37
Domā labu! -

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