March 8th, 2016
09:42 am - cultural appropriation The left loudly promotes its flattering self-image as the side of the debate that is more culturally open and advanced—more intellectual, artistic, and cosmopolitan. But the doctrine of “cultural appropriation” shows how the left’s obsession with racial identity and resentments ends up imposing the narrowest kind of parochialism.
This is the basic contradiction of the left: it is a highly intellectualized form of anti-intellectualism. It uses wide, abstract, universal concepts—in order to break us down into tiny, Balkanized subgroups defined by physical attributes and geographical accidents.
Current Music: diana ross, upside down
![[User Picture]]( | From: | rubija |
Date: | March 8th, 2016 - 11:07 am |
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"whitesplanations" :DD
![[User Picture]]( | From: | rubija |
Date: | March 8th, 2016 - 11:09 am |
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no virsraksta noprotams, ka par "rape culture" pazīmi tiek uzskatīta partnerattiecību iniciatīva no vīrieša. sweet, lai vīrietis nesaņemtu pērienu par savu "arhaisko" izvarotāja dabu, viņam ir vienkārši jāgaida norādes no sievietes un jāklausa tām. Rezultāts - nelaimīgas sievietes, kas apmeklē Uģakuģa lekcijas par patieso laimi patriarhālā ģimenes modelī. el-ou-el
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | March 8th, 2016 - 11:55 am |
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Vai arii Ineses Matkas laimes piebuureeju pulcinus:)
Ak, jā, šai fenomenālajai tēmai un personai es kkad vēl pieķeršos, hehe |
Sviesta Ciba |