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[Mar. 12th, 2018|09:42 pm]
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Samples from the victims have already been tested by experts at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down, a secretive military facility where nerve agents have been developed and tested over decades of controversial research.

Porton Down, the government’s defence laboratory in Wiltshire, is one of the only facilities in the world capable of identifying the source of the toxin used.

Varēja jau ietaupīt nodokļu maksātāju mārciņas un vienkārši palasīt Cibu. bet viņiem, protams, paveicās, ka attālums no dubultaģenta Skripaļa ģiftēšanas vietas līdz sekretīvajai two-of-a-kind nervu dubultaģentu laboratōrijai ir pieci kilometri. piedodiet, jūdzes. ap stūri, var teikt.
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