Indiāņu blūzs & Kovboju rokenrols - par neapzināmo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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par neapzināmo [Nov. 16th, 2011|03:06 pm]
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Touring the Souls at Zero material was where we started to realize that it was all about flow and all about these movements instead of arrangements; an energy flow rather than technicality. And we started to experience some—for lack of a better term—spiritual and mystical moments of trancing out in the music. And it happened in certain parts more than others. Enemy of the Sun is where we really figured that out, I think. We were starting to compose music that was predisposed to that because we were experimenting more at the rehearsal space with losing our minds and just, you know, going off on these strange textural tangents where the energy that we could picture—the epicness we could imagine—was starting to feel like it was flowing through us. We realized that we weren’t in control of it, that the secret to getting there was total surrender.
Was this something that you talked about at the time or was it kind of implicit?

It was unspoken. Again, I think it was something we learned over the years following. We started to unravel that it was a force bigger than us and it’s only when we put ourselves completely aside that it worked. Because the mind gets in the way. It might work for other peoples’ music, but for what we were trying to do, we had to get out of our minds and just let it feel like it was the weather or something flowing out of the earth and up through us. We had really nothing to do with it except to be a conduit.

(no intervijas ar Stīvu Von Tīlu)
