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Jan. 30th, 2009 | 09:08 pm
Tur tāda grāmata tiek lasīta. Un man viņa ir latviski - nezkad antikvariātā nopirku. Viņā ir nepārspējami sirsnīgi stāsti. Tikai ilustrācijas, kuras, cik sapratu, arī ir leģendāras, latviešu izdevumā diemžēl nav.
Rudyard Kipling Just So Stories

"THIS is the picture of Old Man Kangaroo at five in the afternoon, when he had got his beautiful hind legs just as Big God Nqong had promised. You can see that it is five o'clock, because Big God Nqong's pet tame clock says so."
Rudyard Kipling Just So Stories

"THIS is the picture of Old Man Kangaroo at five in the afternoon, when he had got his beautiful hind legs just as Big God Nqong had promised. You can see that it is five o'clock, because Big God Nqong's pet tame clock says so."