Recent Entries 
23.-Okt-2006 12:01 pm - 2. pasaules karš
Kriegsmarine zemūdeņu flotei veltīta mājas lapa:
20.-Okt-2006 01:30 pm - Pīpējošās kobras

"By this time, soldiers of the division had adopted an arm patch depicting a green snake smoking a pipe, a pun at a pre-war joke that went by saying it was more likely to see a snake smoking than a Brazilian fighting in Europe. However, according to many Brazilian veterans, the slang "the snake is going to smoke" was created among the troops meaning that a fight was about to happen."

No šejienes: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/3351/campaigns/brzedit.html
20.-Okt-2006 11:39 am - Pasaules valstu bruņutehnika līdz '46. gadam
19.-Okt-2006 12:40 pm - Kangui arhīvs
Dr. A.Poduškins domā, ka atradis izrakumos Kuļtobā senās Kangui (Centrālāzijas lielvalsts, p.m.ē. atradusies starp Sirdarju un Amudarju) arhīvu: http://www.blotter.ru/news/article0D813/default.asp
18.-Okt-2006 01:41 pm - 'Nam


(Vairāk gan labas bildes, nekā vēsture)
17.-Okt-2006 02:47 pm - militārās tehnikas modeļu kolekcionāriem un izgatavotājiem
Ar radiopulti vadāmi un šaujoši modeļi: http://www.interdacom.ru/~tanks/index_r.htm
17.-Okt-2006 12:33 pm - šito būs jānoskatās :)
17.-Okt-2006 12:26 pm - konference "Irāņu nomadi Eirāzijas Stepē". 2007. gada 7.-11. maijs
Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans: Iranian-Speaking Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes

Autonomous University of Barcelona, 7-11 May 2007

We are pleased to announce the upcoming International Conference
"Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans - Iranian-Speaking Nomads of the
Eurasian Steppes", which will be held at the Autonomous University of
Barcelona from Monday 7th to Friday 11th May 2007, in close
collaboration with the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAN
(Moscow). The main objectives of this conference are [1] to act as a
forum for discussion and to promote scholarly exchange between Eastern
and Western academics dealing with this subject, and [2] to bring
together leading authorities in the field, in order to provide a
state-of-the-art overview of the archaeology, art, history, language
and culture of the Iranian nomads of the Eurasian steppes, to be
published as proceedings in both English and Russian. However, so as
to facilitate scientific exchange, participants are strongly
encouraged to submit their papers in English (or, eventually, French).
Applicants should initially register their interest in attending the
conference by filling in the application (click on "Paper Submission
Download") and returning a copy of this document to the E-Mail address
cg.iranian.steppe.nomads@uab.es by 1 December 2006. For more
information, please refer to the website:
16.-Okt-2006 02:19 pm - Forza Italia - Itālijas armija 2. Pasaules kara laikā - fotogrāfijas
16.-Okt-2006 12:40 pm - militārā tehnika
Tankiem un bruņumašīnām veltīts saits krieviski - http://armor.kiev.ua

Vācu smagais tanks "Pz.Kptw.VI Tiger" - tapšana, nenopietni, taču visai uzskatāmi - http://doci.nnm.ru/interesting_stories/15.09.2006/sovershenno_neserezno_istoriya_tyazhelogo_tanka_tigr

... tālāk ... )
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