plauktiņš testiem's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in plauktiņš testiem's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, September 22nd, 2008
    6:45 pm
    Monday, August 11th, 2008
    5:38 pm
    Mērāmies ierakstu garumiem
    Do you talk too much in your blog?
    Wednesday, July 16th, 2008
    12:26 am

    You Are More Yin


    Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
    6:42 pm
    Ты- Капитошка!
    Ты такой заводной! Все, когда тебя видят, начинают улыбатся. Еще бы! Ты никогда не сидишь на месте и постоянно смеешься! image
    Пройти тест
    Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
    1:04 pm

    You Are Rum

    You're the life of the party, and a total flirt

    You are also pretty picky about what you drink

    Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do

    Except if you're dieting - then it's Diet Coke and Bicardi all the way

    12:59 pm

    You Belong in Summer

    Energetic, creative, and very curious about the world...

    You're not going to let anything hold you back, especially a cold day.

    Whether you're chilling out at the beach or partying all night, you live for the warm weather.

    Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
    6:00 pm
    It recorded as gay. Gay it was, is. However it comes out frequently, it is not very active. And you without the other people the love activity which can do being single, when at least it is the majority, you like the fact that it is. Occasionally, it is bashful and quiet, but from the fact that you speak your heart being fair in the side line, it does not stop that. You see, but to, hero you yourself where you are splendid is a certain friend and your friend.















    Wolf human of some color? Certain??
    created with
    Saturday, May 10th, 2008
    6:15 am
    I am 25% addicted to Porn. What about you?
    Monday, April 21st, 2008
    3:09 pm

    My Personality
    Openness to Experience
    You are generally calm, although some situations can make you feel anxious or tense, however you are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic, but your awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. People generally perceive you as distant and reserved, and you do not usually reach out to others. You tend not to express your emotions openly and are sometimes not even aware of your own feelings. You dislike confrontations and are perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others, however you do not particularly like helping other people. Requests for help feel like an imposition on your time. Mostly you work towards achieving your best, although in some areas you are content just to get the job done.

    Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.

    The best Ugg Boots.

    Tuesday, April 15th, 2008
    1:45 am

    Kaads noderiigs maajsaimnieciibas priekshmats tu esi?(10 varianti ar bildēm)

    Tu esi diivaans. Ljoti eerts un miiksts. Uz tevi dazreiz raugaas ar aizdomaam, bet taas visas ir mulkjiibas. Tu esi tikumīgs diivaans.
    Take this quiz!

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    Monday, April 7th, 2008
    7:55 pm
    3:23 am

    You Are 44% Open Minded

    You aren't exactly open minded, but you have been known to occasionally change your mind.

    You're tolerant enough to get along with others who are very different...

    But you may be quietly judgmental of things or people you think are wrong.

    You take your own values pretty seriously, and it would take a lot to change them.

    Wednesday, March 12th, 2008
    8:29 pm

    All-Around Smart

    You are all-around smart. Essentially, that means that you are a good combination of your own knowledge and experience, along with having learned through instruction - and you are equally as good with theoretical things as you are with real-world, applied things. You have a well-rounded brain.

    20% applied intelligence
    20% learned intelligence

    Take this quiz at
    Saturday, March 8th, 2008
    11:46 pm
    Wednesday, March 5th, 2008
    5:49 pm
    astotais marts
    8 марта.Что будет в этот чудный день?
    Ваше имя
    Итак,ты превратишься впрЫнцессу
    Тыпойдешь в кафе или кино
    А в подарок получишьгель для душа
    А еще тыстанешь счастливее

    все гадания на
    Thursday, February 7th, 2008
    5:38 pm

    Your Score: Skinny and Sexy

    Raw score: 40% Big Breasts, 27% Big Ass, and 52% Cute!

    Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to smaller breasts, smaller asses, and sexier composure than others who've taken the test.

    Note that you scored low on both breast and ass size. This means you appreciate thinner, harder bodies. You are most likely to appreciate a super-model. Relatively, you are less attracted to round, soft, sloppy women.

    My third variable, "cuteness" is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sluttier look. Kudos!

    Recommended Celebrities: Kate Moss and Kate Moss, but 'em post-coke-binge for a cheaper date.

    Link: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test written by chicken_pot_pie on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
    View My Profile(chicken_pot_pie)
    Monday, January 21st, 2008
    7:27 am

    What color do you see the world in?

    Red/Green/Blue:To you, the world is logical. Everything happens for a reason, life is scientific. You like to find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this quiz in order to realize this.
    Made by Sara
    Take this quiz!

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    Friday, January 11th, 2008
    4:08 pm
    Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
    11:46 pm
    man patiik savi indeksi

    6:40 pm
    ak vai

    Tu esi tikpat skarba kā bezkaunīgas TV zvaigznes savos raidījumos. Tieši tāpēc tu patīc savam vīrietim. Bet būt pārāk bezkaunīgai un pārāk nekaunīgai nenozīmē to pārnest arī uz guļamistabu. Džeimss Snaičovskis, vīru un sievu psiholoģiskās programmas pārstāvis, grāmatas Jaunā intimitāte: atklājot tavas unikalitātes maģiju autors, apgalvo: “Mis Nekaunīgā ir pamatīgi aizķērusies savās fantāzijās. Tu esi ļoti sarežģīta personība. Tu sev stāsti: “Bet es saku tikai taisnību”, un nevari lepoties ar īpašu cieņu pret vārdiem, ko pasaki. Beigās tu būsi nesaprasta vai nevienam neinteresanta un pati nesapratīsi, kāpēc.” Kā labot tavu skarbo stilu? Dr. Snaičovska sieva Dr. Judīte Šervena saka: “Tev jāizanalizē sava neapzinātā vēlme kaitēt attiecībām – vai ir kāds iemesls tavai pārspīlētajai nevērībai un neiecietībai?” Snaičovskis piebilst: “Vienīgais, ko tu vari darīt, kad jūti vēlmi teikt patiesību, ir apstāties. Tādā veidā ar savu uzvedību iemantosi lielāku apkārtējo labvēlību.”
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