Comments: |
From: | ani |
Date: | April 29th, 2010 - 09:50 pm |
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Paldies! Nu apmēram tik tālu es saprotu, bet man tā datu interpretācija ne visai un gribu saprast arī kas un kā ar tām papildfunkcijām!
From: | ani |
Date: | April 30th, 2010 - 12:10 am |
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Varu ieteikt spēlēties ar dažādām iespējām un lasīt help'u.
Vienu lietu tā arī nesapratu- kas ir uz Axis 1 un Axis 2? Second matrix man ir T, Nokrišņi, attālumi u.t.t. ļoti daudz kas... Lasu Helpu, bet pagaidām mellns!
From: | ani |
Date: | May 3rd, 2010 - 08:06 pm |
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"skaterplotā", kur second matrix faktori parādās kā vektori, asis izskaidro tie garākie vektori, kas ir paralēli asīm. Šķiet, ka tā.
Ja vajag preīzāk • Calculate linear and rank correlation coeffi cients between axis scores and variables in the second matrix (Statistics | Correlations With Second Matrix), • Rotate the diagram so that major vectors in the joint plot are aligned with the axes (select Graph | Joint plot, then Rotate | By Angle Continuous. Select 5° for the increment and click Next repeatedly to gradually | |