Pagaidām Tu vienīgā esi autorizēta lūkoties uz tiem layeriem.
Tu meklē, kurā vietā taisa to sadaļu kreisajā sidebar, kurā ir tagu saraksts??
Slikti. It kā ar ielogošanos-izlogošanos izskatījās, ka var arī citi skatīties.... Kā to nomainīt?
Bet jā, man vajag to koda kluci, kas uztaisa tagu saraksta kasti. Tagus jau principā pats mākoņa kods saģenerē.
Lai citi varētu skatīt, vajag layera sākumā kaut ko tādu:
layerinfo source_viewable = 1;
layerinfo is_public = 1;
Bet TO vietu noteikti var atrast pēc f-jas visible_tag_list();
Nezinu, visticamāk tev nederēs, bet manam flexible squares ir šitāds mākoņa kōds:
function print_sidebar()
#### TAG CLOUD CODE ####
###### Configuration ######
var int tag_category = 8; # The number can be changed if you want more or fewer categories.
var int basefontsize = 80; # size of the first tag category in percent of the default font size of the page
var int increment = 20; # The difference in size between tag categories.
var string tag_title = "Tēmas"; # Title of the tag box.
###### End Configuration ######
var Page p = get_page();
var string list = "";
var int max_use_count = 0 ;
var int min_use_count ;
var int x ;
if (size $p->visible_tag_list() > 0)
# Define a maximum and minimum number of uses of the tags:
var TagDetail[] visible_tag_list = $p->visible_tag_list();
$min_use_count = $visible_tag_list[0].use_count;
foreach var TagDetail td ($p->visible_tag_list())
if ($td.use_count > $max_use_count)
$max_use_count = $td.use_count;
elseif ($td.use_count < $min_use_count)
$min_use_count = $td.use_count;
# Avoid a division by zero
if ($max_use_count == $min_use_count)
$max_use_count = $max_use_count + 1;
# Put the tags into categories according to the number of times they're used,
# then use it to determine the size of the tag:
foreach var TagDetail td ($p->visible_tag_list())
# Create different categories according to the number of uses of the tag
$x = (($td.use_count - $min_use_count) * $tag_category / ($max_use_count - $min_use_count));
if ($x == $tag_category) { $x = $tag_category - 1; }
# Convert those categories into sizes
$x = ($x * $increment) + $basefontsize;
$list = $list + """<a href="$td.url" title="$td.use_count" style="font-size: $x%">$</a> """;
# Enclose the entire list in an li tag as required by the layout.
$list = """<li class="tagBox">""" + $list + """</li>""";
# Add styling to box title.
$tag_title = """<li class="sbartitle">$tag_title</li>""";