crescendo (crescendo)

Pavisam godīgi apmaldījos. 

pirmdien, 11.12.2006 @3:24 pm | crescendo

Nevar kāds ar pirkstu iebakstīt, tieši no kurienes man nāk tagus rediģējošais fragmenta gabals/kā sauc funkciju.
Sakārojās mākoni sataisīt, bet kā trīs priedēs apmaldījos un uz dullo nodublēt negribas.

Principā viegli modificēta Smooth Sailing vecāka edīcija, bet katram gadījumam konkrētie layeri:

Layout: Saite
Theme: Saite
User: Saite
8317 (ingmars87)
Nezinu, visticamāk tev.. | 8317 (atbildēt)

pirmdien, 11.12.2006 @7:08 pm

Nezinu, visticamāk tev nederēs, bet manam flexible squares ir šitāds mākoņa kōds:

function print_sidebar()


####   TAG CLOUD CODE   ####

###### Configuration ######

var int tag_category = 8; # The number can be changed if you want more or fewer categories.

var int basefontsize = 80; # size of the first tag category in percent of the default font size of the page

var int increment = 20; # The difference in size between tag categories.

var string tag_title = "Tēmas"; # Title of the tag box.

###### End Configuration ######

var Page p = get_page();

var string list = "";

var int max_use_count = 0 ;

var int min_use_count ;

var int x ;


if (size $p->visible_tag_list() > 0)


# Define a maximum and minimum number of uses of the tags:

var TagDetail[] visible_tag_list = $p->visible_tag_list();



     $min_use_count = $visible_tag_list[0].use_count;

     foreach var TagDetail td ($p->visible_tag_list())


     if ($td.use_count > $max_use_count)


     $max_use_count = $td.use_count;


     elseif ($td.use_count < $min_use_count)


     $min_use_count = $td.use_count;





# Avoid a division by zero

if ($max_use_count == $min_use_count)


$max_use_count = $max_use_count + 1;


# Put the tags into categories according to the number of times they're used,

# then use it to determine the size of the tag:

foreach var TagDetail td ($p->visible_tag_list())


# Create different categories according to the number of uses of the tag

$x = (($td.use_count - $min_use_count) * $tag_category / ($max_use_count - $min_use_count));

if ($x == $tag_category) { $x = $tag_category - 1; }

# Convert those categories into sizes

$x = ($x * $increment) + $basefontsize;

$list = $list + """<a href="$td.url" title="$td.use_count" style="font-size: $x%">$</a> """;


# Enclose the entire list in an li tag as required by the layout.

$list = """<li class="tagBox">""" + $list + """</li>""";

# Add styling to box title.

$tag_title = """<li class="sbartitle">$tag_title</li>""";


####   END TAG CLOUD CODE   ####