Man ļoti noderētu funkcija, kas izmet no teksta visus neatļautos HTML tagus un tos A tagus, kas nesatur kādu noteiktu adresi, piem., <a href='***'>links</a>striphtml2() un validated_tag(), ko reiz uzrakstīja
tidliibums, taču man tas bez kļūdām neizdevās. Pretty please? :)
Un vēl pie reizes gribēju pajautāt, vai kāds ko zina par /pics iespējamu iedarbināšanu? Un kam domāta
MessagePage klase, kāds zina? Pie
TagsPage var piekļūt, pievienojot žūrnāla adresei /tag, bet kā ar Message?
Redz, kur par MessagePage. Tevi interesējošā daļa ganjauka ir šī te:
a generic "message page" class which can be used for reporting error and confirmation messages with all of the pretty journal style stuff surrounding it. Nothing uses this yet, but I imagine at some point the response when trying to load a protected or private entry you don't have access to could use this, populating the links array with the next and previous links for the benefit of people who are browsing through entries using them.
Ā, un veiksmi funkciju meklējumos. :)