Jūnijs 28., 2004
watt | 18:42 Ja kopienas saimnieki ir tā lēmuši, dažās kopienās var rakstīt arī tām nepievienojoties. Ja kopienas info lapā pie rīkiem ir arī zilais zīmulītis, tad to nospiežot, var iepukstēt kopienā, arī ja neesi kopienas loceklis.
Some communities may allow posting without requiring that you first become a member and gain posting access. If this is the case, you will see a blue pencil icon on the small blue toolbar on the Community Info page (http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=communityname, where "communityname" is the username of the community). Clicking on that pencil icon will take you to an update page where you can compose and post your entry to the community.
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