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July 14th, 2009

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10:23 pm

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Date:July 14th, 2009 - 11:53 pm
kvalitāte manā izpratnē ir ne tikai sākotnējā stāvokļa ilgstoša saglabāšanās, bet arī gaumīgs izpildījums, attiecīgi formas, krāsas, paskata atbilstība manām vēlmēm, kas arī, protams, katram ir atšķirīgs definājums. Labi, nav vērts par šo tēmu strīdēties, tāpat viss šeit skaidrs.
Date:July 15th, 2009 - 02:12 am
Two [info]keikoo's are chatting over a coffee, and one of them admires the new wristwatch of the other and is told "I bought it last week for $25,000" and replies "Ooh, you should have told me first that you were looking for one: I know a place where you can pay $35,000 for it".
[User Picture]
Date:July 15th, 2009 - 10:45 am
Date:July 15th, 2009 - 08:35 pm
jaa, bet cibas bomzhiem muuzhdien jaasacelj kaut kaada jezga un peec tam veel jaapanjirgaajaas :)

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