Okt. 9., 2014 | 01:03 pm
posted by: junija in pa_leeto
Gribu tikt vaļā no grāmatām. Pārsvarā krimiķi angļu valodā. Un viena lubene. Par katru 1,50 EUR.
* Dean Koontz- What the night knows
*David Baldacci- The camel club
* John Grisham- The ligitators
* Andrew Gross- Reckless
* Andrew Gross- No way back
* John Grisham- The appeal
* David Baldacci- The whole truth
* Elizabeth Hoyt- To taste Temptation
Links ar vāku bildītēm: http://foto.inbox.lv/mada999/books
* Dean Koontz- What the night knows
*David Baldacci- The camel club
* John Grisham- The ligitators
* Andrew Gross- Reckless
* Andrew Gross- No way back
* John Grisham- The appeal
* David Baldacci- The whole truth
* Elizabeth Hoyt- To taste Temptation
Links ar vāku bildītēm: http://foto.inbox.lv/mada999/books