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Brave Saint Saturn diskogrāfija [Jun. 8th, 2009|02:09 pm]
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[mood |pacentos]
[music |Brave Saint Saturn - Starling]

Brave Saint Saturn ir Rīsa Roupera astro-rock projekts. Trīs tematiski albumi par tumšajās visuma dzelmēs pazudušajiem kosmonautiem kā metaforu par cilvēka stāvokli šodien, šeit un tagad. Izmisumu, vientulību, cerību un prieku. Ļoti, ļoti, ļoti. Dažas maigas šūpuļdziesmas ar zvaniņiem un bērnības Ziemassvētku piegaršu, citas kliedzošas par milzīgo ļaunumu un šķietamo bezcerību.

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Katrs albuma vāciņš ir links uz arhīvu.
Bet vislabāk viņus izsaka dziesma Daylight iekš youtube. Kaut kādi fani edited this music video for the song Daylight, by Brave Saint Saturn, using clips from the movie Apollo 13.
Deepest oceans of despair
This vast and somber
Charcoal night of space
Have you given up yet?
What hope lingers in the crevasses and corners of your soul?
I know you
You haven't given up yet
You are brave in this darkness, Saint Saturn
Sometimes the bravest thing of all is to hope
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Five Iron Frenzy - All The Hype That Money Can Buy [May. 27th, 2009|06:55 pm]
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[music |Murka]

Rīza Roupera brīnišķā balss un songwriting skilli.

all my dreams are slowly dying
i can count my years in scars
the only one that never left me
has carried me so very far
i've heard it said that he wastes nothing
so beautiful to behold
the author of my hope is writing
the greatest story ever told
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