Prince Rama - Top Ten Hits of the End of the World (2012) |
[Feb. 3rd, 2013|08:20 pm] |
Conceived as a pseudo-compilation album, the Brooklyn duo invented ten different pop bands that died during the apocalypse, channeling the ghosts of each one to perform the various songs. Spanning genres and stylistic eras from across the globe, Top Ten Hits explores pop music’s relationship to memory, nostalgia, and the spirit worl. Prince Rama filters each sound through the destroyed lens of a post-apocalyptic future looking back at the wonders of its sonic past. Top Ten Hits of the End of the World isn’t just a pop album, it’s a retrospective requiem of all pop albums ever made. Nothing like this has ever been attempted by a single band, and its residual echoes will continue to haunt this world and the next.

01 "Blade of Austerity" - Guns of Dubai 02 “Those Who Live For Love Will Live Forever” - I.M.M.O.R.T.A.L.I.F.E. 03 “No Way Back”- Nu Fighters 04 “So Destroyed” - Rage Peace 05 “Receive” - Taohaus 06 “Radhamadhava” - Goloka 07 “Fire Sacrifice” - Black Elk Speaks 08 “Welcome To The Now Age” - Hyparxia 09 “Exercise Ecstasy” - The Metaphysixxx 10 “We Will Fall In Love Again” - Motel Memory |