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Artificial Intelligence I, II Oct. 19th, 2009|11:25 pm

Style - Electronic, IDM, Electro, Bleep

"You could sit down and listen to it like you would a Kraftwerk or Pink Floyd album. That's why we put those sleeves on the cover of Artificial Intelligence - to get it into people's minds that you weren't supposed to dance to it!" So first of all have a look on the records that are depicted on the front cover of this compilation, and then sit back on your armchair and enjoy, (just like the cover's android) this spectacular release.

V/A - Artificial Intelligence
Label - Warp
Released - 1992

1. The Dice Man - Polygon Window
2. Musicology - Telefone 529
3. Autechre - Crystel
4. I.A.O - The Clan
5. Speedy J - De-Orbit
6. Musicology - Preminition
7. UP! - Spiritual High
8. Autechre - The Egg
9. Speedy J - Fill 3
10. Dr Alex Paterson - Loving You Live


V/A - Artificial Intelligence II
Label - Warp
Released - 1994

1 Mark Franklin - Release To The System (Beaumont Hannant Remix)
2 The Higher Intelligence Agency - Selinite
3 Link - Arcadian * Remix [Uncredited] - Global Communication
4 B12 - Scriptures
5 Autechre - Chatter
6 Speedy J - Symmetry
7 Beaumont Hannant - Utuba
8 Richard H. Kirk - Reality Net
9 Balil - Parasight
10 Seefeel - Spangle

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