Prurient - And Still, Wanting |
[Dec. 14th, 2008|05:40 pm] |
 Dominick Fernow has once again outdone himself with this marvelous release. This disc is uncompromisingly dense and brutal; a sharp contrast to the vast sparseness of Prurient’s other opus, Black Vase. Keyboard drones underpin emotive content of album. Themes of hurt, desire and love tear through the searing wall of jagged electrons. The raw poetry is indispensable this album. Shield prologue/epilogue bookend And Still... Wanting beautifully. All in all, this listen will leave you completely shattered.
TE |
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viņš šķiet pirms diviem gadiem performēja skaņu mežā. uzstāšanās bija kā vētra. must have. | |