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[Jul. 21st, 2008|04:38 pm]
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Deivids Gilmors nosaucis savus desmit mīļākos 21. gadsimta mūzikas albumus (without spending too much time thinking about it, and deliberately ignoring the obvious, as well as recent offerings by The Eagles, Neil Young, Bob Dylan and Ray Davies):

- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, 'Howl' (2005)
- The Blue Van, 'Dear Independence' (2006)
- James Dean Bradfield, 'The Great Western' (2006)
- Coldplay, 'Parachutes' (2000)
- Jet, 'Get Born' (2003)
- Kings of Leon, 'Youth and Young Manhood' (2003)
- Little Barrie, 'We Are Little Barrie' (2005)
- The Mooney Suzuki, 'Electric Sweat' (2003)
- Starsailor, 'Love is Here' (2001)
- Stereophonics, 'Word Gets Around' (2000)
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[User Picture]
Date:July 21st, 2008 - 05:35 pm
Prieks, ka novērtējis ne tikai labāko, bet vienīgo ievērības cienīgo BRMC ripuli. Moloģec, Deiv!
Date:July 21st, 2008 - 06:43 pm
viņš gribēja būt moderns?
[User Picture]
Date:July 21st, 2008 - 06:53 pm
vispār jau viņš piebilst: "I'd guess that many of the people reading this would gloomily admit that the state of music today really isn't up to much, particularly when compared to the glorious periods of the Sixties and Seventies."